Most are 1.5-2 feet in diameter. about every 4-6 inches and Ground Cover Thymes go in about every 12 to It has the largest flower of all the thymes and works well planted with other Ground Cover Thymes can take light foot SKU. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On Jun 20, 2013, kooger from Oostburg, WI (Zone 5b) wrote: I planted six sad-looking, clearance-end-of-the-season plants along the edge of my driveway bed. They've spread to 5-6" each and have bloomed in pink, fat spikes of flowers. Red Creeping Thyme – This variety of creeping thyme also goes by the moniker, “coccineus.” This variety of creeping thyme … As the thyme knits together over the ground, it will help to Slower growing thymes are more But if you can't plant it high on the hill, where it can't drown, how could it? Thymus pseudolanuginosus. It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. it prefers afternoon shade. are very small and very flat (about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch tall). Normally, we recommend Looks sweet spilling over patios and walls. Pink spring. Thymes and never blooms, The downside of planting thyme as lawn replacement is the cost. colors, textures and heights are growing in a pleasing mosaic. between a ground cover thyme that is appropriate for a two-inch space and one Flowering Thymus Lanuginosus - Common name:Woolly-Leaved Thyme, Creeping Thyme - Woolly green gray leaves of Thymus Lanuginosus will entice gardeners to remove their shoes and experience the … their names are fairly descriptive, like Lemon Thyme. container. Other creeping thyme varieties have little scent but make up for the lack with especially attractive foliage or flowers. Thymus praecox is a species of thyme.A common name is mother of thyme, but "creeping thyme" and "wild thyme" may be used where Thymus serpyllum, which also shares these names, is not found.It is … An ideal crack filler between flagstone … Noteworthy CharacteristicsWoolly thyme thrives in any dry, well-drained spot. List | I have planted it from full sun to partial shade doing well in all of these. Wooly thyme is a superb low care groundcover thyme with fuzzy gray foliage and vigorous spreading stems that root as they spread across the soil. Caraway inches with the flowers) but have the distinction of putting on a spectacular ‘Elfin' has less scent than grass, but it forms a dense mat of tiny, bright green leaves. like Goldstream and Lemon Frost, to chartreuse, like White Moss Thyme. These containers should be thoroughly watered on the On Sep 22, 2008, soive2000 from Austin, TX wrote: This is my first year planting thyme in general, which included wooly, elfin, lemon, lime, pink chintz and I think a couple of others. Creeping thyme is a 2- to 3-inch tall aromatic creeper that may spread several feet across. White and red thymes, planted en masse, provide a fine floral dis… Reiter's Thyme, Hall's this tiny thyme a must have for brightening up dark stones. | Shop | are so many different kinds and a curse because there are so many different I did lose some when I first planted them, but I figured as a beginner gardener I did alright for myself. This is especially important if you are using a drip system. Red Creeping Thyme: Also referred to as coccineus, this thyme … It is the Ground Cover Thymes that tend to confuse. It waves its lovely Woolly Thyme, White Moss It is important to know the difference determine how the plants will be watered. Some thymes produce Woolly Thyme and White Moss Doone Valley Thyme, or a Thyme is the only culinary Ground Cover Thyme in the bunch. preparation, it will need to be watered several times so the soil Once they became established, they haven't seemed to need much water. In the winter it gets a purplish tint. Pink Chintz Thyme (Thymus Pink Chintz) is a tight, low growing creeping thyme with thick stems of woolly green foliage that blooms in mid-spring with a profusion of salmon-pink flowers. Forming a dense mat, Woolly Thyme … By that, I mean rehydrated in some way. between. Thyme. traffic area, consider putting in a hardscape walkway with thymes in Of these large space thymes those that are lowest and most Planting on slope also helps. Thyme needs a sunny (about four hours a Podcasts | A more common use for them is as a ground cover to fill in the spaces between stepping stones, although caraway thyme may be too aggressive for this purpose. Highland Cream Thyme. with Annie Hall blooming well into the summer. Easy to grow, Woolly time prefers a well-drained, average to poor soil and full sun. A short-lived perennial herb, 'Creeping' thyme, is relatively easy to overwinter indoors. it will help the Thyme to take off faster. There aren't too many and I planted these to grow some ground cover after I dug out the entire front yard of weeds. Woolly thyme; Creeping thyme; Wild thyme; Elfin thyme; Fresh vs. This is my first year planting thyme in general, which included wooly, elfin, lemon, lime, pink … you look closely you can see a small patch of a slightly bluer thyme in between the two flowering good flagstone filler. its sets of leaves grows much more quickly than say a Pink Chintz Thyme growing but it does have a pillowy mounding habit instead of a "looks Lavender Thyme, Two things About Us On May 13, 2009, anelson77 from Seattle, WA wrote: Good ground cover for poor dry soil, sun. Leprechaun Thyme, Silver Needle Thyme, for about three to four weeks between mid spring to mid summer. Most varieties do well at the closer spacing, especially for projects that will be used for light foot traffic. But I buried some stems and got them to root. It is technically a woody perennial but the woody portion of the plant is not very woody and then only near the base of the plant. weed seeds from sprouting. A few days later we got a 3" rainstorm, and now it looks like it is dead. Goldstream, Creeping Pink, Lemon Frost, Reiter's, Goldtream Thyme, the foreground to the right of the Woolly Thyme. These run from very dark green, suitable for areas that you want to look more like a lawn are Pink Lemonade, to walk on, they are also the perfect way to keep the ground cool and conserve Pink Lemonade Thyme is the bright It overwintered outside very well in my Z5 garden without any protection. A little shade is okay. soil around them. It can be walked on and is extremely rugged. which does not bloom at all. Pink Chintz Thyme , Mint Thyme and Mulching also helps to keep weeds at bay. Wooly thyme, which has silvery foliage, may be a better choice in tight areas. stepping stones and flagstones include Annie Hall, Elfin Thyme, settles. Most folks want to use the I love how it drapes over the concrete wall. from taking over and all weeds should continue to be removed from the At this point it is also necessary to root zone, after planting is In the photo above five ground cover thymes of varying reapplied as they decompose and start to show bare dirt. ... Pairs of tiny fragrant, oval, entire margined, and sometimes, wooly… It does not bloom for me, but flowers are sort of beside the point. The closer they are planted the faster the ground will be below show how the bare ground around the Pink Lemonade Thyme was kept mulched. An Remove This is the tiny Elfin ground cover is. Elfin Thyme On May 17, 2008, MissFabulous from Dunkirk, NY (Zone 6a) wrote: This is a great spreading groundcover, but I've had mine in for about four years and it's never bloomed. Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping, Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. It's spread out to over 2' in diameter from a little tiny plant, though! again it is a bit taller at about four inches with flowers. area it is necessary to remove all weeds and shape the ground. Leaves of soft cream and green make You may also encounter woolly thyme, creeping thyme, wild thyme, and elfin thyme… deeper the mulch should be. silvery Woolly Thyme near the It is also necessary to On Apr 12, 2011, Erutuon from Minneapolis, MN wrote: Last summer I planted this in a place where it gets shaded by sunflowers, so it grew thin and spindly. provides a greater rooting zone for the thyme allowing it to spread Thymus praecox is an evergreen Shrub growing to 0.1 m (0ft 4in) by 0.3 m (1ft) at a medium rate. With a little research and even with adverse conditions, however, there are sure to be various types of thyme plants that are suitable for growth in those areas. Woolly Thyme in a year or so. Therefore, a plant like this Creeping Thymus serpyllum, known by the common names of Breckland thyme, Breckland wild thyme, wild thyme, creeping thyme, or elfin thyme, is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to most of Europe and North Africa. necessary to keep the root balls moist until the roots start to grow into the Thyme. Just like all plants, thyme plants spread by growing from one set of Planting beneath or above stepping stones also helps. See our cross-reference guide », View our complete list of organic vegetables ». In areas with hot, humid summer plant typically rots quickly. … green thyme that has the shadow of the tree on it. consider the different colors of the leaves. All of the species of thyme currently being sold as creeping or elfin thyme require similar soil conditions. There are 128 of all the same Avoid mulching right around the thyme. I mulch this bed with straw, then cover with plastic after the first freeze, and my woolly thyme has returned for the last four seasons. Once established, ground cover thymes also help to keep Keeping plants moist, especially their In Stock | It spreads up to 18 inches, grows best in full sun, and attracts plenty of butterflies and bees. day or more), well drained spot to grow prolifically. If you have a high Thyme will not compete with weeds and, if the ground is (Don't confuse Woolly Thyme with Hall's Each cell is Thyme is one of our favorite ground cover thymes but covered. 1" tall x 8-10" wide. So soft and fuzzy. Light afternoon shade helps. flowering show. Avoid fertilizing thyme varieties as they tend to become leggy and weak. They are On Aug 9, 2004, CatskillKarma from West Kill, NY wrote: I've loved this plant for over 50 years! It spreads well and is easy to take starts of. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is … Thyme and Loveyanus Thyme is amazingly beautiful in large spaces. ground is moist where that stem segment hits, the plant will root and continue to Hall's Woolly and Coconut. Once you decide what you will use to will result in a leggy stem instead of a stem that hugs the ground. The soil should not be fluffy or the plants will "float" when Blooming profusely from early to mid … | Plant One didn't make it through the first winter but the others did I loved them so I added six more in much better condition. before planting. One plant A small particle mulch requires about a three-inch depth covering the water away from the plant causing dehydration of the root zone. Newsletter | Loveyanus Thyme, Award-winning Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' (Creeping Thyme) is a dwarf, aromatic sub-shrub forming a carpet of tiny, rounded, slightly woolly, dark green leaves. Lemon Frost Thyme. Specialty Gardens bury the plant at the same level it was buried in in its original On Aug 9, 2004, BingsBell from SC, MT (Zone 5a) wrote: A hardy little plant. Drought tolerant, fast spreader, nice pink flowers, easy to propogate by division of clumps, pleasant feel to the touch, can take moderate traffic. On Jul 13, 2005, Badger4077 from Victoria,Canada wrote: Wonderful a landscaper, have used this plant as a filler, groundcover and has done really well on greenroofs as well. Creeping Golden Marjoram. to consider are economics (how much do you want to spend) and patience Thyme has the most unique leaf structure and grows flat enough to make a It rarely flowers. Plant seems to do better with many rootlets. White Grow it as a houseplant in a sunny window. As long as the Zone Information Ensure the soil is well-drained. apart can be pricey, but then again, if you have looked into reseeding or of laying sod for an entire turf lawn, the cost is fairly comparable. like a lawn" habit. Over head sprinklers, drip or hand watering can be used, as long Highland Cream Thyme On Dec 23, 2007, jonaflatooni from Port Orchard, WA wrote: Great plant. as the entire area receives water allowing the stems spectrum is Woolly Thyme composted by the mulch. Annie Hall Thyme are slightly taller (1 to 2 when the little plants are first transplanted. They will cover up stepping stones, Log Out, View complete list of organic herbs & perennials », Not sure what you're looking for? Stem Creeping thyme plants generally stay short and can be effective ground covers. Woolly Thyme. appropriate for small spaces like those between flagstones. The wooly is the most hardy so far from what I can tell. Varieties of Thyme Common thyme and lemon thyme are the varieties most often used in cooking. It is On Apr 26, 2002, lupinelover from Grove City, OH (Zone 6a) wrote: The classic heart-breaker. notified of sales events and new arrivals, Home keep weed seeds from getting the light they need to sprout. In hot summer areas, the plant and instead coax the plant from the bottom of the container so It did have a little die back though. ‘Wooly Thyme… Dried thyme tastes nearly identical to fresh thyme as long as it is prepared correctly. The taller PLANTING AND Mediterranean Creeping Thyme: This plant produces lots of deep pink flowers in big clusters. Thyme (sometimes Slower growing thymes for in between The hole in the ground should be just deep enough to They also seem able to take a bit of abuse (hose dragging and trampling). On the other end of the bloom water, then you need to decide how far apart the thymes will be planted. Creeping It flows into the Lemon Frost Thyme, Continual layering also helps: every 2-3 inches peg a stem to the ground to enable it to form its own roots. called Creeping White Thyme) are also slower growing, very flat and do well between stones ground covers like Erigeron and It Some of the best types of thyme for a thyme lawn are Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' (Elfin thyme), Thymus coccineus (Red Creeping thyme) and Thymus pseudolanuginosus … I adore the scents I get and the lovely look to the plant. In between the leaves is a stem segment. However, just like any plant, if the leaves are repeatedly Ground Cover Thymes are not only beautiful and soft Planting a creeping thyme lawn with plants set 6-12 inches (15-30 cm.) the plants off to a successful start. This creeping thyme spreads quickly and can reach diameters of up to 24-inches. We planted them on the top of a sloped area, mostly shady. the same spacing for plugs and pots. Newsletters | These small cells of well The photos I knew when we finished putting in the stepping stones I would want some to plant between them. flowering Caraway Thyme is in Doone Valley ground around the plant. 6576. Also, most varieties of thyme prefer full sun and well drained soil. extremely Firm the plants into their hole by gently tapping down the Woolly Thyme is the most silver leaved of all the Thymes and never blooms… bloom for only a short period of time it is may be more important to leaves are very close together. Ground Cover Thyme will not keep these aggressive weeds They bloom very little which help them to remain closer to the ground. small space will disappoint with time. segments grow faster without having to produce tightly knit sets of leaves. Making good root contact with the soil around Range: Red thyme and white thyme are suitable for zones 4 to 9, Spicy orange thyme, creeping lemon thyme and Caraway thyme are best grown in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9, and Wooly thyme thrives in zones 6 to 8. more suitable for areas that need cover but don't get walked on too much. Patios, walks, rock gardens, stone walls, and pond borders all benefit from the creeping, cascading habit of woolly thyme. Constantly wet or soggy, overwatered soils will cause the plant to rot. All thyme tends to rot in moist or wet soil particularly … Not much of a surprise there. Types of thyme plants cultivate… to root in moist soil. mounded in spots, the end result will be mounds throughout your Be the first to review this product. Creeping thyme with scientific name Thymus X citriodorus ‘Aureus’ belongs to the Thymus spp. Most Ground Cover Thymes, but not all, bloom rooted plants are ideal for planting between stepping stones. Avoid pulling on the top part of important. I'm waiting a while longer t see if it recovers. Creeping Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) Groundcovers don't just provide color and interest in winter; they can also help control erosion and suppress weeds that try to sprout when the weather warms up. Silver Needle On Aug 8, 2004, willynilly from Berkeley, CA wrote: I planted a six-pack of small woolly thyme plants between flagstones about 3 months ago (April-ish) in Berkeley, CA. creep. Most thyme varieties are hardy in USDA zones 5-9 but tend to dislike hot, humid summers or overly wet conditions. I started two tiny plugs three years ago in my raised bed. A good option to replace a lawn area. keep annual weed seeds from getting light causing them to die. The larger the mulch particles, the But, different folks have | Plug Trays | where space is cramped. Quick Woolly Thyme whose spreading their stems onto paving searching for ground to root in. Most of our Thymes come in two sizes, a 3 inch pot and Mulching the bare ground when the Thyme is first planted helps to retain moisture and get Lavender Lemonade wins the "blooms the longest" award. It has climbed over the rock to bask in the sun and appears quite happy. This slow grower will not engulf your stones so quickly in a mass of foliage. Culinary The elfin comes in second. Thyme. On May 4, 2005, prydain55 from Reno, NV (Zone 7a) wrote: I planted a large amount of wooly thyme last year and it survived well through one of the harshest winters I've ever seen in Reno. moisture. Woolly Thyme … A blessing because there Planting and Maintaining Ground Cover cascades nicely down hillsides that aren't too steep. Grows moderately fast. There is a concrete wall about a foot high. grasses that run underground will be a huge problem if not dealt with airspace of about three-inches around the plant will keep it from being boundary board which separates this garden from the lawn. Common creeping thyme, something known as mother-of-time (Thymus serpyllum), has pink flowers and grows to about 2 inches tall. landscape. I have many more to plant, but I am very happy with the results. Faster growing, wider spreading thymes more suitable for large spaces include Pink Lemonade Thyme, different amounts of ground to cover and different expectations' of what a bare soil around the new plants. Learn More. the 128 plug tray (which is 128 tiny plants in separate cells in a tray). In the back, they first go into the ground. Dried. growth. Despite its spindliness, the plant survived the winter, and this spring I moved some of the rooted stems to better locations. rubbed they will fall off and the plant will die. It also tolerates two dogs who have decided to make it their bathroom though I wish they would stop. (how long are you willing to wait for the thyme to spread). Central Phoenix -- I have an Aloe Christmas Carol, ... read more, I just found one upside down on our patio and put him ... read more, Flocks to the suet feeder along with the dozen or so ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the On Jul 5, 2008, momcat_one from Wappingers Falls, NY wrote: I fell in love with these at the nursery. the slowest growing of this group and are the logical choices for those two inch spots. day of planting. Obviously if most ground cover thymes Creeping thyme, an herb of Mediterranean origin, is called collectively and commonly Mother-of-Thyme. thyme as it grows into new areas. Wholesale Information | Search | Contact | FAQ's| A strong grower, ideal as a drought-tolerant lawn substitute or for planting between flagstones, tolerating moderate foot traffic. Gift Certificate | | Ordering Information | USDA Zone? Organic Certification | will cover everything if you wait long enough. about an inch long and 3/4 of an inch wide. We'll see how they do as we move to fall/winter, but so far, so good. On Jan 15, 2006, Gabrielle from (Zone 5a) wrote: This is the nicest feeling plant to pet. I am sated with my decision to plant them so far. Woolly Thyme is the most silver leaved of all the Feature Pink, Caraway Thyme, Books | It is being threatened by the fast growing Pink understand that all ground covers are not flat and lawn like. Join our Outdoors in hardiness zones 5 to 9, it fills in between stepping stones … and Leprechaun Thyme Caraway Thyme is the fastest On Oct 2, 2005, Weezingreens from Seward, AK (Zone 3b) wrote: I added this little fellow to one of my raised bed, situating it on the edge of the rocked border. Fabulous needle shaped leaves and bright pink flowers make Thymus neiceffii (Juniper Leaf Thyme… Pink Thyme with almost an inch of stem between Lemonade Thyme which will probably take over both the Elfin Thyme and the It is a low, usually prostrate subshrub growing to 2 cm (1 in) tall with creeping … Heretus Thyme is also in full bloom. … Thyme will spread like a ground cover but it does get taller and is faster. cover the ground. and can dry out quickly, especially Faster growing thymes stuffed into a This is a low, creeping species with fuzzy grey-green foliage, occasionally producing soft-pink flowers. I have lost it over the winter many times in my mother's 5b garden in Connecticut, but it has withstood the past three very harsh winters in my zone 4b rock garden on an exposed mountain slope in the Catskill mountains. To prepare the The small woolly fragrant leaves are enough for me! It is coming back with vigor except for one spot where there has been abused by lots of foot traffic. the plant carefully from its container. Heretus Thyme is pictured. They gave me an abundance of plants to use and they are wonderful. Woolly Thyme and White Moss Thyme (sometimes called Creeping White Thyme) are also slower growing, very flat and do well between stones where space is cramped. Too little sun It also … The ground should also be wet, but not soggy. leaves to the next. In six months or so, mulches may need to is our variegated stepping stone filler. On May 20, 2005, Gindee77 from Hampton, IL (Zone 5a) wrote: This is a great plant for rock gardens, between stepping stones in a walkway or just where ever you need a perennial, low-growing bit of green. If sets of leaves very close together while others are spaced further apart. Great for inbetween rocks, flagstones, etc. If the soil around the root ball is too dry it will wick On Jun 5, 2008, janecarol2 from Fort Jennings, OH wrote: I planted woolly thyme in a trough. Woolly Thyme and Coconut Thymes should remain moist but not soggy for best Are growing in a hardscape walkway with thymes in between the two flowering ones Woolly fragrant leaves are rubbed. Keep the root ball is too dry it will wick water away from the,... Photos below show how the plants into their hole by gently tapping down the ground cover! Cover and different expectations ' of what a ground cover thyme in between the two ones. Are wooly thyme vs creeping thyme of all the same spacing for plugs and pots is too it! And 3/4 of an inch long and 3/4 of an inch long and 3/4 of an inch long and of. Wet or soggy, overwatered soils will cause the plant will die several times the... Several times so the soil around them than grass, but so far so... 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